Technologically advanced surgical solutions that reduce costs in hospitals and surgery centers.

Serving the Pacific Northwest

Advanced optical and medical device platforms across Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Focus upon outcomes, team building and efficiency in the surgical suite using technology visible to all.


Heads-up optics moving technology beyond microscopes. Delivering small optics, positioning speed, line of site clearance, and greater operating comfort. Displays on 3D,4K, 55” monitors. Market-leading Exoscope based on installed customer base and multiple units per account.

Latest technology NyteByte titanium OCR and Stapes implants. Leading supplier of vent tubes. Extensive ENT specialty instruments, cement, bone collectors. New release of Apollos lip protector.

Private label drill manufacturer for leading companies. Worldwide OEM leader of dental drills. Customer direct, cost savings. OEM drill access now offered for Neurosurgery, Spine, ENT, Orthopedics.

Technologically advanced, heads-up optics display in 3D,4K. Traditional microscope options. Trend setting simulation module links that bring out the finest in surgical skill development.

About Sequoia Medical Northwest, LLC

Sequoia Medical Northwest, LLC offers 44 years of medical technology experience. We consult, we listen. Our goal is to treat customers as we wish to be treated.

Christopher Hansen

(503) 799-3616 or